General Education Learning Outcomes

I. Critical Thinking

Students will be able to demonstrate their analytical reasoning abilities to interpret, evaluate, and synthesize information across disciplines.

II. Cultural and Global Awareness

Students will develop and establish an awareness of the responsibilities of contributing individuals in a diverse society.

Students will demonstrate a critical appreciation of the visual and performing arts throughout history and across cultures, and will be able to formulate responses to a variety of aesthetic experiences.

III. Information Fluency

Students will be able to identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively use information from various print and electronic sources. An information fluent student understands the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information, and can access and use information ethically and legally.

IV. Communication

Students will be able to read, write, speak and listen effectively as individuals and in teams.

V. Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning

Students will be able to utilize the scientific method and quantitative mathematical reasoning skills to solve problems across disciplines.

VI. Technology Competency

Students will be able to identify, compare, and utilize appropriate technological applications.