With all the healthcare professions out there, how can you know which one is right for you? It's not an easy decision, but if you agree with the following statements, you might discover surgical technology is exactly what you've been looking for.
____ I really enjoy helping people in their time of need.
____ I like working with my hands and I'm good in science.
____ I would rather work in a profession where there is a lot of variety on the job.
____ I want to be able to choose the type of place I work in and feel good about the job I have done.
____ I like to be challenged and don't want to be bored at my job.
____ I'm looking for a career with multiple opportunities for advancement.
Surgical Technologists live by the profession's motto, Aeger Primo - The Patient First! Everything a surgical technologist does is for the better of the surgical patient.