Student Grievances and Appeals Procedure

(Not applicable to course grade review)

In accordance with college policy, the following procedures will be used:


A "grievance" is defined for the application of this policy to be a complaint alleging that a student's rights have been abridged through any of the allegations listed in Policy 5.40. A "grievant" must be a student of the college and is the person making the complaint, except in the case of a prospective or former student grieving admission, re-admission or suspension decisions. "Other party" is the college person(s) or condition against whom the complaint is filed. "Person directly involved" means the grievant(s), the other party, and those who make the decision regarding the grievance. "The committee" refers in this section to the Student Grievances and Appeals Grievance and Appeal Committee. "Business days" shall exclude Saturdays, Sundays and holidays approved by the Board of Trustees.