Student Grievance and Appeal Committee Structure:

The Student Grievance and Appeal Committee shall be drawn from a pool constituted by the Governance Committee and appointed annually by the president. Prospective student members shall be recommended by the Student Senate, instructional faculty members by the Faculty Senate, and administrators by the vice president of Student Services. For any given hearing, members of the committee shall be drawn from the pool so as to achieve the following representation:

None of the voting committee members shall be part of the chain of command involved in the grievance/appeal. The vice president of Student Services shall serve as the non-voting chair/facilitator of the committee.

Due Process Rights:

Lincoln Land Community College believes completely in ensuring the due process rights of students in addressing complaints about college actions and decisions. Due process guidelines are as follows:

  1. All complaints should be resolved as quickly as feasible, while ensuring due deliberation.
  2. All conferences or hearings conducted as a part of the process should be held at a time and place that affords all involved a fair and equitable opportunity for representation.
  3. All relevant records and pertinent information is made available to all parties, with due regard for legal constraints on disclosure of personal records of parties not directly involved in the case. Any request for records and information must allow time for processing.
  4. All proceedings will be held confidential.
  5. A complaint may be withdrawn at any time by the grievant.
  6. No reprisals shall be taken by trustees, administrators, faculty, or staff against any student bringing a complaint or participating in a grievance.
  7. Participants in a conference or hearing shall be limited to involved parties.
  8. The student shall have the opportunity to present witnesses who are knowledgeable of the situation in question. The Grievance and Appeals Appeal Committee shall determine the appropriateness of the witness.

The student has the right to have a personal advisor present during the hearing. The student may confer with the advisor; however, the advisor shall not be permitted to speak or ask questions during the hearing.